Considering Art Podcast – Rosalind Robinson, painter

Rosalind Robinson is an Academician at the Royal West of England Academy and a painter of portraits notable for their striking features and expressions, their symbolism, timelessness and art-historical references. In this episode, she talks about her early career as a scenic artist and muralist, why she drifted towards portraits featuring wild hair and headdresses, the importance of looking at each other especially in the age of the smartphone, and her latest project on the Silk Road.

Rosalind Robinson talking with Bob Chaundy

Accompanying images on


Grosvenor House panels, replaced in the hotel renovation of 2008

From Harrod’s Food Hall

Backcloths from Normansfield Theatre, Teddington

Swimming Pool Mural, Les Caches Hall, Guernsey


The Balance of Probabilities

Encounter on the Silk Road and The Paradox and the Pearl

All images are © Rosalind Robinson

You can see more of Rosalind’s work on her website

Music: Ibiza by MBB |

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